The Client, a CIS IT company, was looking to gain the support of key stakeholders in the KSA by launching a social initiative that would differentiate it from other big-tech firms in the country, and create value for the Kingdom
Actions Taken
Conducted a thorough analysis of potential stakeholders in the KSA and their goals in terms of the country's strategic development as outlined in the Vision 2030 Mapped all the initiatives in Vision 2030 against the capabilities of the Client, assessed the impact for the KSA of the initiatives where the Client was a good fit based on a custom-made methodology, and formulated a value proposition Connected the Client with relevant stakeholders and facilitated the pitching of the proposed social initiative
Coined a relevant value proposition for a social initiative both benefitting the KSA and leveraging the Client's capabilities Facilitated introductions to relevant stakeholders Assisted in establishing working relationships with relevant stakeholders
FJX Advisory